Volunteer Spotlight: Pat & Tico

Kendalyn Mckisick Volunteer Stories

Over the past four years, Pat has developed great relationships with youth and staff. She has become close with some of the staff who have been there since she started.

Passage House Program

Giving Young Mothers A Chance

Kendalyn Mckisick Events

Opened on October 15th, 1993, the need for Passage House program was revealed over time after several young ladies, babies in tow, arrived at Covenant House Alaska seeking shelter for themselves and their children.

Passage House Mothers Hunker Down

Kendalyn Mckisick Events

Becoming a mother is a life-changing event. It changes your perceptions of the world, your responsibilities, your financial needs, your priorities, and even the way you love others.

April Cornerstone Donor Spotlight: Wells Fargo

Kendalyn Mckisick Events

From financial support to the investment of time and other resources, they continue to be a solid supporter of Anchorage’s youth who find themselves experiencing homelessness. Without hesitation, they join us in our mission to provide shelter from the storm.

We Love Our Volunteers!

Kendalyn Mckisick Events, Mentor, Volunteer Stories

We have roughly 50 volunteers who consistently dedicate time each week throughout the year. Volunteering has looked quite a bit different as we creatively engage current volunteers virtually for the time being.

Volunteer Spotlight: Mentor Mary Michaelsen

Kendalyn Mckisick Events, Mentor

It was Christmas time of 2018 when Mary first came into Covenant House Alaska’s Youth Engagement Center. It was shortly after that event she submitted a mentor application. She began her mentorship in March of 2019.