July Cornerstone Donor Spotlight: Cook Inlet Housing Authority


At Cook Inlet Housing, we truly believe that everyone has value and everyone matters—you matter. Never give up on your dreams, we believe in you!

Carol with Maureen Moore at the 2019 Candlelight Vigil

Established in 1974, Cook Inlet Housing Authority (CIHA) builds, owns and operates affordable housing in the Cook Inlet region of Alaska, helping to stabilize families, individuals and seniors by giving them a strong foundation for self-sufficiency and success. Their important work also supports healthy, safe and strong neighborhoods and community; to build opportunities that allow the community to thrive, they create dynamic partnerships with many other local organizations.

CIHA believes in supporting community partners who are addressing critical issues around housing insecurity, self-sufficiency skill building and ending homelessness, through partnership, capacity lending and financial support. Currently, their organization employs 180 Alaskans, some of whom support Covenant House Alaska in different ways.

Carol Gore, president and CEO of CIHA, is the current Vice-Chair of the Covenant House Alaska board. Carol has participated in the Covenant House Alaska Sleep Out: Executive Edition, raising money for youth in need and sleeping outside in solidarity with those experiencing homelessness. Sezy Gerow-Hanson, the Director of Public and Resident Relations at CIHA, has been serving on the Fire & Ice Ball Planning Committee for the past several years, bringing great ideas, positivity and enthusiasm to every meeting! Shawn Holdridge, Building Systems & Energy Sustainability Manager at CIHA, supports Covenant House by providing Project Management consultation. In addition to the service of these individuals, as an organization CIHA provides an annual subgrant to support the mission of Covenant House Alaska.

Carol Gore Sleeping Out

“As an Alaska Native organization, Cook Inlet Housing looks to our elders for guidance and wisdom and we look to our youth for the future. Covenant House Alaska plays an important role in supporting youth who are struggling and experiencing homelessness. The guidance and care provided by Covenant House is a positive, life changing experience for the youth who find themselves in need of help and sometimes in dire situations. We are grateful for a community partner like Covenant House,” says Carol Gore, “we support Covenant House so that Covenant House can support youth with meaningful programs to help them succeed.”

Shawn and Sezy at Fire & Ice Ball

If your organization would like to know more about how to become a cornerstone sponsor of Covenant House Alaska, please contact Chief Development Officer, Joe Hemphill, at jhemphill@covenanthouseak.org