Alaska Women Empowerment Sleep Out Spring

Alaska Women Empowerment Sleep Out

By committing to Sleep Out on March 19, you will help to keep the lights on and the doors open 24/7 at Covenant House for youth overcoming homelessness.


WHEN: March 19, 2021 | Live program begins at 5pm AST
WHAT: You'll tune in to a live virtual program to see first hand your impact in action. Covenant House staff, former residents, and special guests from around the world will speak, and you'll have a chance to join interactive breakout rooms for meaningful conversations. Program details coming soon!
WHOAnyone! This Sleep Out is open and encouraged for anyone who is a champion of women empowerment! Appropriate for all ages. During the live program, you can choose to join the breakout room(s) that sound most interesting to you.
WHEREAnywhere! Your backyard, your front porch, your kitchen floor. We are asking you to give up your bed for an uncomfortable night of sleep, whatever that means to you.