Volunteer Spotlight: Kailyn Hooley

Kerry ReifelVolunteer Stories

Meet Kailyn Hooley, a dedicated volunteer who has been making a difference in The Art Room at the Youth Engagement Center for most of the last two years. Almost every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:00 PM, Kailyn opens the doors to creativity and healing for our youth.

A Consistent Presence

For Kailyn, volunteering isn’t just about teaching art—it’s about building trust and being a reliable presence in the lives of young people who have often experienced instability. “Even if it’s only one day a week, they can expect to see me,” Kailyn says. “I want to be known as someone who can be counted on.”

The Power of Art

As an artist herself, Kailyn understands the healing power of creativity. “Art is my outlet, my way of processing,” she shares. “It’s really healing, and it’s cool to see how other people are able to use art as a healing method as well.” Her belief that everyone is an artist shines through in her work with the youth at Covenant House Alaska.

Personal Connection

Kailyn’s commitment to the youth at Covenant House Alaska is deeply personal. As someone who has faced her own struggles with mental health, including depression, an eating disorder, and suicidal ideation, Kailyn is open about her experiences. “I want to break down the stigmas around mental health,” she explains. “At that time in my life, I felt so alone, and I really don’t want anyone else to feel the way I felt.”

Beyond The Art Room

When she’s not volunteering, Kailyn keeps busy with two part-time jobs and an active lifestyle that includes rock climbing, hiking, backpacking, and skiing. She’s also applying to a master’s program at UAF, demonstrating her commitment to personal growth and education.

A Memorable Moment

One of Kailyn’s most significant experiences at Covenant House Alaska involved working one-on-one with a new resident. They spent hours talking and creating a mixed media collage together. “At the end, just the talking left the youth from being really upset and struggling to leaving with a smile on their face,” Kailyn recalls. This moment exemplifies the impact that a caring, attentive volunteer can have.

Advice for Future Volunteers

For those considering volunteering at Covenant House Alaska, Kailyn offers this advice: “Keep an open mind and be flexible. The youth might not be as enthusiastic as you hope they would be, but it still matters that you’re there. You may not be outwardly thanked, but it still matters—just showing up consistently makes a difference.”

Kailyn’s dedication, empathy, and creativity make her an invaluable part of the Covenant House Alaska community. Her commitment to showing up, being present, and using art as a tool for healing continues to make a positive impact on the lives of the youth we serve.