Q&A With Alison Kear – Executive Director Covenant House Alaska

cha-dev Impact Updates

We sat down with Executive Director – Alison Kear for her thoughts on the pandemic’s impact on the residents and staff of Covenant House Alaska. Q: Alison, it’s been awhile since we have been able to sit down and get a full run down of what’s happening at Covenant House Alaska. So… how have things been the last 6 months? …

Employee Spotlight: Longtime Chief Operating Officer Takes Position with Covenant House International

cha-dev Impact Updates

Meet Carlette Mack. Although, if you’ve interacted with Covenant House Alaska in the last 25 years you likely already know and love her. After receiving both her Bachelor’s in Psychology and Master’s in Counseling Psychology from Alaska Pacific University, Carlette started at Covenant House Alaska as an intern. At the time, her mother Mildred (whom Carlette affectionately calls MammaMack) was a case manager here at Covey. Carlette says, “I have always thought it was a …